Extreme ECW Live Cast
3 months ago

E71 ECW HCTV 157-160: April 23 - May 14, 1996

Episode 71 - Extreme ECW Live Cast

ECW HCTV 157-160: April 23-May 14, 1996

Original Release Date: May 7, 2023

This week Mike Pru, JV, & Rick Beebe will be covering ECW Hardcore TV Episodes 157-160 from April 23- May 14, 1996!

  • Extended Quality Control Center w/ Rick Beebe covering Hostile City Showdown recap episodes of Hardcore TV 157, 158, & 159.
  • House Show Rundown
  • From the Observer Mailbag
  • Damien vs. El Puerto Ricano  (5/11/96 - A Matter of Respect)
  • ECW World TV Championship Match - Too Cold Scorpio vs. “The Franchise” Shane Douglas  (5/11/96 - A Matter of Respect)
  • Post Match Promo - Shane Douglas
  • Interview w/ Chris Jericho
  • Promos from The Sandman & Missy, The Eliminators, Taz & Fonzie, The Dudley Boyz, Tommy & Beulah, Shane Douglas, & The Gangstas

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