Extreme ECW Live Cast
5 months ago

E82 ECW HCTV 181 & 182: Oct 8 & 15, 1996

Episode 82 - Extreme ECW Live Cast

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Just being in this miserable piece of. Oh, my.

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We're not a wrestling organization anymore.

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We're the world's damn biggest puppet show. I don't need a weapon.

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My hands are my weapon. Weapons.

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Quote to.

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I'm pregnant.

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The era of the ecw.

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I have something to say to you.

Mike Pru

Welcome to the extreme ECW live cast. This week is episode ECW hardcore TV, covering episodes 181 and 182 from October 8th and October 15th of 1996. I'm Mike Peru along with JV and Rick B.B. welcome back, guys. How you guys doing?


Doing well, bro. How you doing?

Rick B

How you doing?

Mike Pru

And we just keep getting more like Mafioso over here. He's doing. How you doing? Hey, how you doing?

Rick B

I could have launched into it. Me doing Scotty Flamengo Boy, Johnny B Bozo.

Mike Pru

Yeah, that's great.

Rick B

Which starts to. Which starts to sound like a Rocco Rock impression if you're not careful.

Mike Pru

It is. It is rock. Yeah, that's funny because we're gonna have a parody of Rock A Rock coming back here on this episode. So with that said, hey, thanks guys for joining us again here on the ECW Extreme Live cast.

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Mike Pru

And Yo, Rick, we're gonna give it. We gotta give it up to you here, boy, because you got something to do. You got a podcast going on. So, hey, enlighten us with what's going on with that podcast couple episodes out. What's coming up?

Rick B

All right. Well, yeah, as you said, a couple episodes up as of recording Yesterday, which was the 8th of November, is actually the 30th anniversary of the third pancreas event.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yes, we are Hybrid Wrestlers 3. It was November 8th, 1993. That's the next episode that's coming up. First two episodes I've done have been yes, we are Hybrid Wrestlers 1 and 2, which I. I will say this, as much as I love Pancreas and I highly encourage people to get into it, they're not very creative with the names. Basically every year they have one title and it's just, you know, pancreas x x 1 x 2 x 3,95. I can think of. They have Eyes of Beast and it's Eyes of Beast one through like eight. Because they. They do one event every month. But yeah, so it. It's. It gets kind of monotonous.

Mike Pru

Are you gonna cover all those, Rick?

Rick B

Eventually I'll get to them. Yeah, exactly. Luckily, they next the next year because like I said, they do four events in 1993. When they get to 94, I forget what they do. Excuse me, but they do like four or five. I think it's five events. And then they start the Road to the championship series. So they have two different titles, but at the same time, it's like, it's not like watching, you know, WWE or WCW where they have a different show and it has a different name every month. So. But yeah, so the, like I said, the. The next episode will be episode three of the Hybrid wrestling cast, and it's. It's looking up to be a decent show. And then the fourth one will be in December. And then I have a couple of ideas because I don't know if I want to keep doing Pancrase just straight through because like I said, it gets very monotonous. So I might ju back and kind of live up to the tease that I gave in the first episode where I kind of explain how. How did pancreas come to be and kind of give a little more of a backstory and highlight some of the earlier mixed martial arts shoot wrestling promotions starting in like 84, 85. So we shall see. But I appreciate anybody out there who has listened, you know, love the feedback, and I always, I'm always happy to give my opinions on wrestling in general. Which leads us into our. Our next point that Ben Martin brought up on Twitter a couple weeks ago, and I quote, I have it written right here, he basically brought up the fact that we've been seeing a lot of gaijin from New Japan or foreigners from New Japan come in in 96 in the ECW. And then he brought up the. The four pillars of four pillars of heaven in all Japan, who are Misawa, Kobashi, Kawada and Tower. And he did say you could throw in John Akayama, which I agree. You know, he's kind of up and coming. For those of you who don't know, those guys were like, basically the four main eventers of all Japan through pretty much all the 90s, even into 2000s. And they were like the top guys. And so he had asked if they had come into ecw, who, who do you think could basically have a good match with them? And Ben had pointed out that he thought rvd, Sabu, Taz, Luis Piccoli, Shane Douglas and the Eliminators. I would throw Stevie in only because Stevie is, as we've said before, a pretty underrated wrestler, you know. Yeah, he does a lot of goofy stuff with the. The different gimmicks and as we'll see in the opening segment of the first episode, doing parodies of Wrestlers. But all in all he's a, he's a good wrestler, he's good at selling and I think he could hang with the, with one of the pillars. Other than that, the thing with All Japan and with their style is called Kings Road is that it's a very slow build. I mean it isn't that it's boring, but it's not fast paced action like, like the technical wrestling that you'd see of Malenko and Guerrero from, you know, 94, 95, where it was all very fast paced. That's not necessarily how an All Japan match goes as, as we saw when RVD and Sabu faced off against Furnace and Lafawn. So if you get one of those matches, the ECW crowd might, might boo a little bit if you have a 45 minute match going on. But I, I do think that you are right, Ben, that all the people that you mentioned could have hung with, with the pillars if any of them had come in in 1996. But like I said, I don't think that it would, I don't know that the style would mesh enough that it would be worth it to, to bring them in. But I do, I do agree that, yeah, it's kind of weird to see the, you know, Doc and Gordy come in and Johnny Smith, especially Johnny Smith.

Mike Pru

All right. Oh, great. Rick, baby, always a master of explaining. Good. So, and, and that's what we like here is like we have a great fan base. People like Ben Martin can just send in questions and Ricky, you fucking give it up. Give it your Honest. Exactly. Exact.

Rick B

Thank you. Right, yeah, send more in. Anybody out there has questions, you want to throw out some, you know, what if, what if this happened? I'm always happy to talk about that stuff.

Mike Pru

That's why Rick has been brought in. Rick is our research department head. We've said that from day one. And he's the man. So he just proved it right there.

Rick B

Thank you.

Mike Pru

Always on a spot. Johnny on a spot. Ricky on a spot. All right, so with that said, we gotta get into a episode here now, right? That's what we're doing here, watching some ECW. ECW and it's ECW hardcore TV episode 181 from 10-8-1996. And we're gonna watch this on the. The archive. Easy to be archive. So I posted a link for us and I talked to our boy Richard. Richard's like, hey, all these episodes are on the archive. I'm not gonna send you that anymore.



Mike Pru

It's like, ah, damn. Okay. I Wanted them because I wanted from like my own history to save it. I get it. It's like, all right, it's a pain in the ass to upload whatever. I got it. But Richard said I. I'll still get the. The super cards in the special episodes. So good as those. But. But now we're watching on the archives. Yeah. Yeah. He helped us out for a while. Especially like when we were down when there was no episodes available. He helped us out. So he's the man.

Rick B

He is the man.

Mike Pru

Yep. All right, so we're checking out EastW Hawker TV Episode 181 from October 8, 1996. We got a runtime of 5521. It's Ultimate Jeopardy. Which is a big show. I remember the show. I love this at the time. Ooh, big one. And this is gonna be three episodes of Hardcore tv. So I'm looking forward to this. This is good matches and a lot of good happening here. So let's get right into it. I'll give a countdown. Three down to one. Everybody ready?

Rick B



Yes, sir.

Mike Pru

All right. Three, two, one.

Rick B

Oh my God. It's the pe.

Mike Pru

Oh, right.

Rick B

Fan cam.

Mike Pru

We haven't heard this in a while. Public Enemy. Stevie.


Speak of the devil. Yeah, he's entertaining. See if the Blue Meanie continues to grow on me here.

Mike Pru

I gotta load my volume down because.

Rick B

Again, I love the fact that meanie. Meanie says 225 because he's so fat.

Mike Pru

225? Yeah. Yeah.

Rick B

I mean he's definitely more than 225, but out of three.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I wish. I wish I was 225. Missy's titties are bigger than two hundred and twenty five.

Rick B


Mike Pru

This great though. This is Public Enemies music. And you have these jerk offs out there. And Rick, why are they on Public Enemy? What's going on here?

Rick B

Well, you got to think Public Enemies in WCW at this point. And I'm not. Excuse me. I'm not sure if they had won the tag titles at this point, but it was kind of apparent that Public Enemy were not. We're not doing too well in WCW because they not suck. But Paul was very good at hiding their weaknesses.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Didn't. Didn't work out too well in WCW because of that.

Mike Pru



Huh. I know that. What was their weakness?

Rick B

No, Rocco was in his 40s at this point. So he used to be a very good high flying technical wrestler, but he was just all beat up by now.



Rick B

So they basically. I mean they're. They're good at doing Brawls and putting people through tables and hitting each other with weapons. WCW wasn't all about that. Life in 1996.


Doesn't do a good job sounding like him, though. No, it's a good impression.

Mike Pru

Oh, dude, this impression is great. Probably get like, Stevie. Stevie is so great.


Stevie is better than Raven.

Mike Pru

He is.

Rick B

He really is. Yeah.

Mike Pru

No, and jv, you're so right. Stevie is better than Raven.

Rick B

He's even hitting him like Rocco would have.

Mike Pru

Stevie is so good that he's actually the guy that's gonna lose the title.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And that's how, like, Raven's not gonna lose the title. Stevie's gonna lose the title.



Rick B

And then. And then Stevie's gonna go on to. To break away from Raven because he's better than Raven.

Mike Pru

Stevie is better than Raven. Stevie had a better career than Raven. Bottom line, I think. Right. We can discuss that another point.

Rick B

But yeah, that's. That's a good. That's a good talking point. Because you gotta think, before Stevie started, Raven was already wrestling. But did their careers. You know who had the better career?

Mike Pru

I think Stevie had a better career than Raven. I mean, obviously people are gonna say, oh, Raven, because, oh, it's Raven. But if you watch the career progress financially, probably Raven.



Mike Pru

Come on. Oh, yeah. Money, I said.

Rick B

But Raven. Raven also did a lot of drugs, so that. That eats up your money. I would. I would argue that Stevie's probably in a better financial position at this point.

Mike Pru

Maybe not though.

Rick B

Currently. Wow.


This is pretty good. I say, that was cool.

Rick B



Outside, Blue Mini is growing on me.

Mike Pru

Oh, I was gonna ask you, where's blue meaning at you at this point. Hey, it's almost BWL coming up.

Rick B

Yeah, that. That's gonna be coming soon.

Mike Pru



Oh, the gangsters.

Mike Pru

And I want you. I want you to be watching that.

Rick B

Bwo. They're taking over.

Mike Pru

Juniors me to the mind of a maniac.


Just spend zero to 100 real quick.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Rick B

We wouldn't want it any other way though, jv.


Right? That's ECW in a nutshell.

Rick B

Yep. This escalates very quickly. Yeah.

Mike Pru

In a couple of months, New Jack's gonna like almost kill somebody too.

Rick B

Yep, Legit almost kill somebody.

Mike Pru

Yeah. From Massachusetts on tv.

Rick B

No, at a house show and in. In Revere at the Wonderland dog Park.

Mike Pru

You know about it? J.

Rick B

You know, this doesn't exist anymore.

Mike Pru

Eric cools.

Rick B

Yep. Mass transit.

Mike Pru

Dude acting like he was old enough to wrestle and then got up by New Jack.



Mike Pru

Ah, Mustafa. What a move.


What a maneuver.

Rick B

Oh, no, the eliminators.


Oh, damn. All the talent's coming out now.

Rick B

One of.

Mike Pru

I appreciate that, jv. That was a good one.

Rick B

Oh, no. To the referee.

Mike Pru


Rick B



Just died.

Mike Pru

Oops. Oh, look at Boomini taking a bump. Bullini.

Rick B

He got a Mike Tyson shirt on.

Mike Pru

Oh, New Jack.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, this is getting up. Boom. There it is.

Rick B

Just. He just chucks the garbage barrel on top of him. Yeah.

Mike Pru

Throw on his. Whatever.


The shoulders on Saturn is always just nutty.

Mike Pru

Oh, it's the beginning of the episode.

Rick B

We didn't already see this.

Mike Pru

Oh, it is. We need. We do really need to start, like, recording our opening talks. That's part of.


I like to keep those off the record.

Mike Pru

I know.

Rick B


Mike Pru

That's what. That's where the good is, though.


Hey, Dr. Death. Oh, and it's been a few weeks. Like, Raven's kid's still, like, doing weird, right?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Yeah, yeah. J.Y. styles in the house.


I had those glasses. I had those glasses.

Mike Pru

I know he did. JV's got all the cool. He can be the cool old amount. Oh, this? Oh, you gotta keep it separated. Shake. A spare.

Rick B

Quote. The Raven never more.

Mike Pru

All right, so everybody have any thoughts on this?

Rick B

I want that Raven T shirt image.


Yeah, it's pretty dope. Wonder how much money he made off it.

Mike Pru

Oh, yeah. This like the Liz classics. And like a random machine.


Didn't we see this already?

Mike Pru

Yeah. Paul burns and hardcore Evan 96 Taz this dude up. Boom.

Rick B

Then Saturn kicked him as hard as he could in the back of the head.

Mike Pru

That's what's up. So, all right, so, ah, Doc and.

Rick B

Gordy versus the Eliminators. That's a good match. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, bro.

Mike Pru

No, that's fine. Go ahead.

Rick B

No, that's. Yeah, it's Laon.



Mike Pru

All right.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah. This is high incident.

Mike Pru


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This week I'm going to get an exclusive interview with Bruce.

Mike Pru

So I already made a song for the. The break song. And it's very fitting because I read it from the observer and Meltzer doesn't know how to spell Weezer. Also with an H, W H E E Z E R. Weezer. Weezer has a new song. It's called Japanese Girls don't know when. Something like that. Like. That's not the song. No song is El Scorcho. God damn, these Japanese girls do it to me every day. Rick, you know song?

Rick B

I know of it. I don't. I don't know all the words to it, but yes.

Mike Pru

Okay, well, anyway, there's a song by Weezer. And I was surprised when I read that. I was like, oh, you spelled Weezer wrong. So that took credibility away for a second. I was like, all right, let me check it out. I love that song. He said, it's Japanese Girls, which I knew that's not the name of the song because I know wizard songs and that's not the name of the song. But I knew the opening lyrics were, goddamn these Japanese girls. I was like, I got it. It's El Scorcho. So I looked up the lyrics. I was Scorcho in this lyrics about Johnny Grunge, like, giving a leg drop to New Jack.

Rick B

No shit.

Mike Pru

Yeah, in the fucking lyrics. That's fucking cool shit. I know that the song's basically about, like, being in Japanese culture. So it's like when he was in Japan writing this song. Tommy in Public Enemy was in Japan at the time. Like, weird. I don't know. Even still, it's cool. And we're going to use it as the break song. El.


It's a good song. Great song.

Mike Pru

It's a great song.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Another funny thing, along with these lines of El Scorcho is one time I was just cutting my grass, and one of my former students who lives in the neighborhood walked by and he asked me if I knew about Weezer. And I told him, so. Yeah, I love Weezer. Ex wife say, look, what's the Scorcho? Weird.

Rick B

These kids don't realize that Weezer was around when we were kids.

Mike Pru

Right? No, that was the thing. I was like, you think you know about Wizard? I know Weezer.


Like, you don't know Weezer.

Intro/Outro Songs

I know.

Rick B

That would be like. That would be like. If a kid came up to me, he was like, hey, you heard of this Green Day Band? Yeah. Yes, I have. I. I have. I have a couple of their albums.

Mike Pru

It was so shocked that I knew that. I, like, told him to listen to El Scorcho. Because if someone's gonna tell me to listen to. I gotta tell him, hey, you gotta listen to Pigleton. You gotta listen to the best album there is by Loserton.

Rick B

Is that the one that's technically unreleased?

Mike Pru

I thought I'm released.

Rick B

Okay. They have an unreleased album, though, don't they?

Mike Pru

I don't want to confirm it on, because I don't know. But Pinkerton is my favorite of their albums.

Rick B

Which one's Pinkerton then.

Mike Pru

Picking? This is that second main album.


What songs are on it, bro?

Rick B

Yeah, well, that's kind of what I was.


Yeah, yeah, I know that's what you're asking?

Rick B


Mike Pru

There's no real hit album songs from them.

Rick B

Oh, okay.


Of course you're pissed out you picked out and no one people don't know any songs from but say, you know, somehow else.

Mike Pru



We just asked you what's on there.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I said not anything big, but is it there?

Rick B

Like music from the Elder album there Proof where it's like it wasn't a big hit when they. When it first came out, but now it's like a fan favorite.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Nothing. Okay.

Mike Pru

Nothing. Dude.


This is nuts.

Mike Pru

All right, I'll look. There's nothing.


Always appreciate a top from top of the cage to the outside spot.

Rick B

Well, if. If without giving too many spoilers. You know, I mentioned high incident with Eliminators versus Dog and Gordy.


Yes. This crazy. Yeah.

Rick B

Let's. Let's just say that Saturn does a. An elbow drop off the scaffold.


Oh, my God, the scaffolding, like.

Rick B

Yeah. Which is higher than where that cage would be.


And also crazy.

Rick B

Yep. And I'm pretty sure he his elbow up doing it. Hey, bro.


Jump off the scaffolding for 75 bucks.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah. He. He does an elbow drop. I believe it's on Terry Gordy off the scaffolding.


Friday night, October 18th, at the Lulu Temple in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. We'll see you there.


All the way live.

Rick B

More human than human.

Mike Pru

Oh, sounds good. All right. So with Yellow Scorcho. Did you need me to introduce that separately?

Rick B

What do you mean?

Mike Pru

Like, because I know you're like, what the you talking about? Like, do I need to for the break song?

Rick B

No, no, I know what you're talking about.

Mike Pru

All right.

Rick B

Yeah. Is that. Is that. That song's on Pinkerton?

Mike Pru


Rick B

Okay. All right.


It took us a while to get to that answer.

Mike Pru

Yeah, well, sorry. Jesus. Sounds badass right now, though.


J.T. smith's the man. Is that Marty Janetti?

Mike Pru

Yeah. What the not.

Rick B

That's Devin Storm, isn't it?

Mike Pru



Oh, yeah, it is. Yeah. No, I see his face.

Rick B

The knockoff rocker.


Yeah, the Crocker.

Rick B



Well, someone's getting jumped. Yeah, it's Mikey. Of course.

Mike Pru

It'll look like monkeys.


Get him. J.T. smith in character the whole time this was going on. What are you gonna do, JT Gonna teabag him?

Mike Pru



Yeah, he's doing it.

Mike Pru

We love J.T. swing. Neck breaker. Okay. Yeah.


Oh, nice hip toss. Terrible drop kick. Not a bad hip toss into an arm bar. Is that an armbar?

Mike Pru

Arm lockdown.

Rick B

Marcus Alexander Bagwell.


Yeah, it's his move, bro. Give it back. He doesn't have many.

Rick B

Jesus. All these arm drags. Yeah. Jeez, dude, is he Ricky the Dragon? Steamboat ripping him off now too.


Yeah. Get a rip. Be original.

Rick B


Mike Pru

I'm drag take down it.

Rick B

I'm trying to figure out what's on his shirt.

Mike Pru

Cl. Mike. Mikey.

Rick B

On Mikey's Mikey shirt? Yeah.


On Flux.

Mike Pru

No, it's a like some marvel now.

Rick B

I was going to say. Is that Modoc?


Is it Modoc?

Rick B

That's so random on the back. Yeah, it looks. Looks like it on the back. As soon as you said marvel, I.

Mike Pru

Was like, oh, is that Modok Devon song you. Hey, B. You up? Hey, Mulan. Oh, we got. Oh my God, that sucked.


By the way, Politically incorrect and damn proud of it.


Award with referee John.


Pe Looks different today.

Mike Pru

Who looks different?


The ref. Pe Moore. Like you got a haircut or something.

Mike Pru

Oh, yeah. Hey, right.

Rick B



With the hat on.

Mike Pru



Oh no, that makes sense. Oh, nice.

Rick B

Falco's pretty awesome.



Rick B

I was like when you know to Jerry does the front handspring, you know, bounce his legs off. That was like that except he didn't do. He didn't put his hands down. He just flopped on him.


Yeah, I don't think I've seen that before.

Rick B

I. I can't say that I have.


He's choking him out. Can't choke in wrestling.

Mike Pru

Excuse me.

Rick B

Shut up of your face.

Mike Pru

Your face. Your a little stiff.

Rick B

His legs stuck in the barricade.

Mike Pru

Ow. My God.

Rick B

Oh my God. That was nice. Now he's grabbing the cop to.

Mike Pru

He's grabbing the.

Rick B

No, he's grabbing the cop and he had the guy's bully bat in the cop. I believe the cop. Don't you dare.

Mike Pru

I'm just setting you up.

Rick B

I know what the is this, Mikey.

Mike Pru

Sure it sucks. I know. I know you like the whatever it was, but what the.

Rick B

It isn't an odd shirt. I will give you that.

Mike Pru

And that was a weak ass jump over there. That springboard sucked.

Rick B

Well, that's why I said what the is this?

Mike Pru

Match on a bad crew.


What the.

Mike Pru

Yeah, who cares about these? Who cares about Damien Storm or Devin Storm? Whoever the he is, this guy should.


Never be on tv.

Mike Pru

Get the out of here.


Why did you hire a guy dressed like a rocker in 1996?

Rick B

He was an indie darling in the.

Mike Pru

Darling and Darlings at four with and Devin Storm.

Rick B

Ace Darling.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I saw him too many times for my liking as a kid.

Rick B

Reckless youth.

Mike Pru

Pal wrestler. Evanson.

Rick B

Thank you, pro.

Mike Pru

There you go. Thank you.


Broke up the three.

Mike Pru

Ah, no, no. No one's better than this. I was just talking about life. But we can't do that because these shows suck.

Rick B

Where's my Beavis and Butt head stuff when I need it? Right? Like, this sucks.


Yeah, this is gonna suck. Yeah, this is gonna.

Rick B

This is gonna suck.

Mike Pru



Change it.

Rick B

Change it.

Mike Pru



Hey, baby, come to.

Mike Pru

Ah, classic baby.

Rick B

Look at those chicks on a score. Oh, can you.

Mike Pru

Oh, hey, you have to jump on me the. About that. So we're live. Jack versus eliminated. Cronus has with Bill Alonzo. All right, we're gonna pretend something's good's happening here, so let's. What's going on? The. It's a long time to go.


Good evening, all of you insignificant, hygienically challenged.

Mike Pru

Oh, we got a turning. Oh, someone threw at Joey. Oh, boomerang.

Rick B

Am I ahead of you?

Mike Pru

Oh, is that me? I don't know.

Rick B

What do you got for a time stamp there, Pru?

Mike Pru

You got a 27, 30, 31.

Rick B

Oh, I'm way ahead of you.


You're way behind this.

Rick B

Yeah. 47, 48, 49, 50.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Are you so far behind all the time? You. 55, 27, 58.

Mike Pru

59, 28.

Break Song

Say it again.

Mike Pru

All right.

Rick B

27, 28. Oh. 8, 28. Oh 9, 10, 11, 12.

Break Song

All right.

Mike Pru

What are you at?

Rick B

28, 20, 21, 22.

Mike Pru

I know, nine. But what's on the screen?

Rick B

Oh, okay. ECW returns to the flag staff. Jim Thorpe.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Get extreme at the corner of Swanson and Rittner. Okay. Yeah, they're advertising Doc and Gordy versus the Eliminators. Oh, they keep zooming in on his chest hair.

Mike Pru

Of course.

Rick B

Such a sleaze bag.

Mike Pru

Oh, just saw Missy Titties Experience sa Return to the ECW Arena November to remember. Are you guys hearing this? No. Having to remember.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah.

Mike Pru

All right.


I mean, when you're looking too much. Come on, say it.

Mike Pru

When I'm looking to yell tone deaf. Tone deaf. Who's tone deaf? Me, dude.


The only one singing.

Mike Pru

All right, well, Axel is tall enough too, so.



Mike Pru



You're comparing yourself to Axl Rose?

Mike Pru

Axl Rose sucks.


No, it doesn't.

Mike Pru

Listen to him.


Yeah. Have you.

Mike Pru



Hey, Rick, you think Axaro sucks now?

Rick B


Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah, back in 87. No, that's what I'm saying.


Of course now he sucks. He's, like, 90.

Mike Pru

Yeah, that's what. That's my whole point.

Rick B

Oh, yeah, like 80, 70 didn't suck.

Mike Pru

Of course not. This is great right here, but there was a big thing that him just singing the song like last week. It's horrible.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Which is fine. I guess everybody sucks eventually.


Yeah, it's like going to watch Michael Jordan Dunkin basketball. Like, ah, he sucks. Yeah, he's 60.

Rick B



He'S not peak. You're paying just for the nostalgia.

Mike Pru



I've seen him. I've seen Guns N Roses live telling people like I saw before he died. I died. Dude, you should the bucket list like 30 years ago.

Rick B

Oh, Stevie's in the corner like Raven with Lori between his legs. Oh, man, I love Stevie. 14 minute entrance, guys.



Mike Pru

Oh, yeah, with him.

Rick B

Pack of Camels.


Yeah. Yeah, Camels. They're marking camp. Their marketing campaign worked. I did want to smoke cigarettes because the carol was cool.

Rick B

Yeah. And I may have told the story, but growing up, my. My dad didn't smoke. Like, neither my parents. My dad smoked before he met, before I was alive. But for some reason I had a. I had a Joe Camel T shirt that I used to wear.


That's awesome.

Rick B



That's sick.

Rick B

Y. If I. If I remember correctly, your parents didn't.


Smoke and you had that.

Rick B

Yeah. I don't know how I got it, but if I remember correctly, on the back, it had Joe Camel smoking and there was like a Egyptian pyramid in the background.

Mike Pru

Oh, I know the shirt.

Rick B


Mike Pru

That'S hilarious.

Rick B

My turn. Next.

Mike Pru

Turn. Next.

Rick B

A lot to have her hold my hand.

Mike Pru

Oh, my gosh. She's hardcore.

Rick B



Oh, she's hotcore.

Mike Pru

Ah, you said it.

Rick B

Keep. Keep fiddling with that T shirt, honey.



Mike Pru

Oh, I just wonder. Hey, I just don't want to rip that off. You know what I mean?


Take it off.

Rick B

Already got a big rip in the front.

Mike Pru

So that's why.

Rick B

Finish the job.


Finish it.

Rick B

Love those boots she has on.

Mike Pru

Finish it.


Do it.

Mike Pru

I'll give that some Sonia Blaze. Oh, yes.

Rick B

I know I said 14 minute entrance, but I am not mad. Not mad at all.

Mike Pru

We all know you've loved Bula from the beginning.

Rick B

Yes, I have. I loved her when I was 11 years old.

Mike Pru

Man, you've turned me on to be out. Buell wasn't one of my girls and got me into. Got me into some Beulah.


Some Beulah to love.

Rick B

Contrast with Lori who looks like she's strung out.

Mike Pru

Lori strung out?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm seconds off. Look at Stevie though. Steve is the man.

Rick B

Yep. He's sitting there. He's got Raven's belt around his waist. He's got Lori sitting between his legs just like Raven would have Her. He's just King. King should have mountain. What were we talking about.

Mike Pru


Rick B

I don't know. I just.

Mike Pru



Zoned out there.

Rick B

I. I did zone out because I'm a little jealous. A little, Little jealous of Jim Fullington right now.

Mike Pru

Oh, here we go. As your favorite T shirt. Right.

Rick B

Yeah. I. I kid you not. I have been looking for that T shirt as much as we should on it. I. I kind of want it.

Mike Pru

Yes. We all have to have it.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And no peers. He is the most unique.

Rick B

But I also don't want to spend 80 bucks on it. You know.

Mike Pru

I'll say. When we all hang out at Scotty's Pub, we're all wearing a Sabu T shirt. Yeah. Is Boo.


Here? Inside Wrestling News here. Extreme interviews, uncut and uncensored. Get results from the last ECW arena show. Play wrestling trivia for a chance to win a free prize.

Mike Pru

A nice titties missing.


Nice tats, lady.

Mike Pru

Nice tata.

Rick B

Bu. Took the T shirt off.


The King of Swing.

Rick B

Risks losing Raven's belt.

Mike Pru

There you go. All right, so it's a big match here. Pedal match. Stevie Richard putting the title on the line. What a idiot.

Rick B

Risks losing his hair.

Mike Pru

And not for nothing, this is the thing that annoys me with Raven. Raven's always just the. The guy that gets away with not losing his title. And then when it comes time to losing the title, it's, oh, Stevie's gonna lose the title for me. That's all right. I don't know. I don't know. Y'all thought Trick, what do you think?

Rick B

Yeah, No, I mean, I. I totally agree. Like, it's. It's kind of bullshit that Raven, that, like, he kind of worms his way out of title defenses all the time.

Mike Pru

He sucks. He never defends it. He defends the title, but always thinks way out of winning the title.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And then when he loses, it's, oh, it's not because I lost. It's. Stevie lost that for me.

Rick B

What the.


Oh, no accountability.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I'm. I'm, like. Had a loss. Like, what the. He was supposed to be one of the great champions of ecw, and he sucked. I just want to throw it out there. He sucked. Raven sucks.

Rick B

He's. He's definitely not as good as I remember.

Mike Pru

Shane Douglas is the best ECW champion there is. Bottom line, I'll stick with that forever. He's the best. And the fact that he has to become a TV champion, and from there, he becomes the best TV champion ever, too.

Rick B

I. I don't know about best TV champion.

Mike Pru

Oh, you talking about rvd?

Rick B

Yeah, but, I mean, we. We can cross. That's the debate.

Mike Pru

We'll talk about it.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah. Because it kind of depends on what your definition of best would constitute.

Mike Pru

All right, all right. Hey, you already know I love Shane Douglas.

Rick B

Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

Yeah. It's just whip. Whip across now. What I want more here in this match is more. Oh, perfect. Right there. Bu. Jesus Christ.

Rick B

Am I a way ahead of you?

Mike Pru

I'm at 4,000, 120. 4,000, 131. How. How are you that far behind me still?

Rick B

41, 30. Where.

Mike Pru

Where are you at?

Rick B

4,000, 150.


Oh, that's where I'm at. Dude, how does this happen every time we record now? You went up on like, a.

Rick B

Is yours buffering or something pro?

Mike Pru

I don't know. I'll just jump up. Hold on. Tell me where you're at.

Rick B

42. Oh, seven, oh, eight, nine, ten.

Mike Pru

That's free.

Rick B

That becomes a signature Sandman spot.

Mike Pru

All right, Just had same man clothesline. Stevie still behind.

Rick B

You? Might be, yeah.

Mike Pru

The outside of the ring still.

Rick B

Yeah. Yep.

Mike Pru

I got Brian Lee closing up a chair about the. Tommy.

Rick B

I'm. I'm seeing Tommy and Brian Lee heading towards the exit. Stevie just hit Salmon in the head with a chair. Is that what you're seeing, jv?


Seeing what?

Rick B

Like, okay, right now, Tommy and Brian Lee are brawling like.

Mike Pru

Damn. Man's in the ring.

Rick B

Yep, Salmon's in the ring. He's. He just chopped Stevie's chest. Yeah.



Mike Pru

43. 35.

Rick B

Yeah. Yeah. You're like a second behind, but.

Mike Pru

Okay. All right.


Way closer now.

Rick B



Thank you.

Mike Pru

Welcome to the party palace, jb. Who's the best wrestler in the ring right now?


Who's the best wrestler in the ring right now? Not Sandman. Why?

Mike Pru

Stevie, come on.


Yeah, I know. Well, Minnie was in the ring too many sucks. I thought you were gonna say Sandman because you said you're a big Sandman person, so I just wanted it state it's not Sandman.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I was avoiding him.

Rick B

That was the best in the ring. Jim Moline or John Finnegan.

Mike Pru

Oh, who is it?

Rick B

The bald spot threw me off in trouble.

Mike Pru

And that means Bu was smoking earlier. We'll have Prime Lee in here now. We're just weeks away from one of his best buddies coming in. I'm looking forward to it. Oh.

Rick B

No gimmicks needed.

Mike Pru

Oh, so good.

Rick B

Did I ever show you my mine Chris Candido shirt?

Mike Pru

Yes, you did.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, man. Feel free to show it Again.

Rick B

Oh, yeah. I'll post it again on Twitter when he shows up.

Intro/Outro Songs

Oh, what an.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Hey, if you're gonna head but a girl, you better roll her up and not the dude in the ring. Your problem, man. Who's this? Clint on the ring.

Rick B

She almost missed her cue.

Mike Pru

Who's this April O'Neill over there? Yeah. Look at Tommy's like, I don't give a. Over here.


I'm not the hula.

Mike Pru

Hey, it's Wolverine out there. Supernova with no mask on.

Rick B

Yeah, no mask, no face paint.

Mike Pru

Basically I call them Wolverine because the. If you're gonna have a Wolverine movie, make him wear the old costume he.


Is in the next one supposed to be, right? Yeah. Next. Deadpool.

Mike Pru

Deadpool. Deadpool 3.



Rick B

And JV.

Mike Pru


Rick B

You're. You're a comic guy, right?

Mike Pru



Been slacking lately, but. Yep.

Rick B

Well, but I mean, what's the. Is why does Wolverine have the two different costumes? Like, why does he have the yellow and blue, but he also has the like tan, yellow, brown, red one?

Mike Pru

Well, the brown original.


The brown's the original. But like, I think it's like X Men. It's not the original because when he sure shows up in Hulk181 on the last page of Hulk 180 has a yellow and blue suit.

Rick B



So Summer, in the interim, he gets this brown suit.

Rick B



He doesn't wear it much in the comics, but it gets pushed more. And like he wears it more during his Frank Miller run, Which in the 80s when Frank Miller was writing Wolverine and then that got pushed more mainstream because video games were coming out and stuff.

Rick B



So people saw it more. But his time as an X Men, he's mostly worn the white. The. The yellow and blue.

Rick B

I got. Yeah.


So like X Men issue 100, he's wearing the yellow and blue like the Frank Mellow Miller Miller. And like Wolverine solo runs. That's where you get like these other Wolverine. So brown suit, you get Wolverine with the patch, stuff like that.

Mike Pru

That's great explanation. We have bathroom brawl going on now.



Rick B

Tommy was trying to bust a beer bottle on the sink so he could shank him with it. He has. Has a random folding chair in the bathroom with him.


Look at these fans.

Mike Pru

I was like. I said, look at these guys. Look at this, like 10 year old too.


Kid Wars. Kid Wars Jr. ROTC outfits.

Rick B



Got piss all over it.

Mike Pru

Him up. Him up.

Rick B

How bad do you think that bathroom smelled?


Oh, man.

Mike Pru

Well, smelling chocolate.

Rick B

Well, given that we know there's no heating or air Conditioning in this place.


Oh, that's right.

Mike Pru

Oh, no, thank you.


Oh, no, thanks. Hard pass.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, as much as I think I would be like an ECW attendee, a fan, I don't even want to go to the patriots. That.

Rick B

Mr. What do you call it? Brian Lee just gave Butchie something to do the next morning.

Mike Pru

And no, thank you. The. Is this.

Rick B

Is that a cooler?

Mike Pru

Roseanne just slamming the guy.

Rick B

Got a Misfits T shirt right there.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I saw that. Oh, yeah. Great move, Sandman. That sucked. Dick. That was horrible. Can we get some bonus points for that, cuz? That sucks.


Just get going.

Rick B

There we go.


This what you were talking about? Oh, this ain't the scaffolding.

Rick B

No, this is. This is why they end up having a scaffold match.

Mike Pru

Oh, this is the big match, right?


Oh, that was stiff, dude. Yeah, there was some intent behind that one.

Rick B

But he hit the wall more than he hit Tommy, though. That's the thing.


Oh, I didn't notice that.

Rick B

Yeah, over in the.

Mike Pru

Look at all that duck work.


Yeah, asbestos and.

Mike Pru

Yeah, asbestos is fine as long as you don't disrupt it.


So they say.

Mike Pru

This is hardcore.


God, this is great.

Rick B

This is a famous spot.

Mike Pru

Oh, my God.


Oh, man. God bless him.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, God bless us all.


The fact he did all this and is not a millionaire today, that sucks.

Rick B

You gotta wonder how he can walk today.



Mike Pru

Oh, my God. And got head.


I don't know what to say.

Rick B

Oh, my God.

Mike Pru

Supernova wearing his X Men outfit.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Hey, I'm over here. Out of here. This guy went through tables. Who's this cutting in the ring? Lord Falls. All right, sorry, Excuse me.

Rick B

And now he's ripping her clothes off.

Mike Pru

One, two. All right, so we got a showdown here. One, two. No, two. Stevie's got a two count on the same man. And you have the wife. Ddt. That's it.

Rick B

One, two, three.

Mike Pru

New champion.

Rick B

New champion. Meanwhile, Tommy's dying on the arena floor.

Mike Pru

And meanwhile, Raven doesn't lose his title sucks. Can I just admit that finally, that Raven sucks. His gimmick sucks. He sucks. I don't like him. I don't like him at all.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Horse, I think JV's on my side with Raven. Raven's talking.


Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

Stevie Richards is the man.

Rick B

Jacked for that. For the title change, though.

Mike Pru

Stevie should have been the champion the whole time.

Rick B

Yeah, I agree.

Mike Pru

Now. Now we're back to Sandman because they knew Raven sucked. Oh, let me talk about that. Talks about. Talks about nothing.


Let me talk about how depressed I am.

Mike Pru

Part of me is like, am I thinking, like, retrospectively? Like, do I think it sucks now? Because I'm not into that. I don't think so. I think it sucked in general. Like, they should have just had the same man be the champion the whole time.

Rick B

But, I mean, it gives them. It gives them a feud to not distract, because obviously you still got the Tommy Raven thing going. But, you know, it. It gives a little. Give us a little break from that so it doesn't get monotonous.

Mike Pru

Yeah. I mean, a lot the good stuff, and it's fun.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Well, all his was built around, like, oh, these girls have titties and they're around me.

Rick B


Mike Pru

You know what I mean? Like, come on. Actually, if anything, Shane Douglas should have been around, been champ.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And the fact that when he comes back, he's just TV champion the whole time is annoying to me too. But I get what they're doing.

Rick B


Mike Pru

They want to set up a separate division.

Rick B

Yeah. And, you know, they're working. They're getting. Not that Shane needs to be built back up again, but they're using him for his. How good he is to kind of fortify the. The mid card, you know?



Rick B

Right before they elevate them again to. To be in the main event.


Which is smart. I agree with that type of booking.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Yep. All right, so I had this plane, so we're overrunning, right?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Okay. All right, so where should I edit this? Here. All right, jv, I'll just start, like. And we're back. You figure it out. Right? What?


Oh, that's right. We gotta take a break here.

Mike Pru

Yeah. So you want me to just say, all right, we're back, and.

Rick B



Yeah, take a break. We'll come right back. My bad.

Mike Pru

You want to break?


I just started watching the next episode.

Mike Pru

All right. Yeah, I was talking. I was like, I think we're into the next episode.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I paused my. I paused mine so that it didn't keep going, but.

Mike Pru

All right, so we'll take a break. All right.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Good. Then we'll start with October 15, 1996.

Rick B

Sounds good.

Break Song

Me every time all the redheads said you shred the cello and I'm jello, baby two won't talk, won't look, won't think of me I'm the epitome of Public enemy why you want to go and do me like that? Come down on the street and dance with me I'm a God like you so please I know I'm here, I'm waiting I think I'd be good for you and you'd be good for me. I asked you to go to the Green Day concert. You said, you know, never heard of them. How cool is that? So I went to your room and read your diary. Watching grunge leg drop New Jack through a press table. And then my heart stopped. Listening to Cho Cho San fall in love all over again. I'm a guy like you. Maybe you just don't know what to do. Then maybe you're scared to say I'm falling for you. I wish I could get my head out of the sand. Cause I think we'd make a good team. And you would keep my fingernails clean. But that's just a stupid dream that I won't realize. Cause I can't even look in your room without shaking. And I ain't baking. I'll bring home the turkey and you'll bring home the bacon. I'm alone like you? So please, I know I'm here. I'm waiting, Waiting? I think I return for you and you begun for me.

Mike Pru

All right, we're back. Now for the next episode of Easter to be hardcore TV. It's easy to be hardcore TV. Episode 182. And we are covering Easter Be Hard TV from October 15th of 1996. This is the second episode of coverage of the Ultimate Jeopardy episode. And we got some good matches coming up. We got Taz versus Johnny Smith. We got the Eliminates versus the Gangsta Party. And Shane Douglas is back. Shane Douglas versus the Pitbull Number two. And this is a big one. And, man, I'm glad we're here to watch this. I'm glad JV is here to check this out.


Yes, sir.

Mike Pru

No big one here. So Ultimate Jeopardy 96. Let's check this out. You guys are ready?

Rick B

Yep, ready.

Mike Pru

All right. We're watching this on the Internet Archive. So please, if you're gonna watch along with us, I'll give you a countdown three down to one. When I say play, we all click play. Three, two, one, play. Oh, my God. Holy.


Right into the.

Mike Pru

Right into it, man. God damn. This is an high incident. Is this high incident, Rick, or is this.

Rick B

No, this is the Prelude incident.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah, it's not like a high incident incident.

Mike Pru

It seemed like a high incident to me.

Rick B

Yeah, a.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I guess high incident is usually because like. Like, Rob Van Dam was high or something.

Rick B

Yeah. Or the scaffold match.

Mike Pru

Yeah, well, that too, but.

Rick B

No, I like your answer better.

Mike Pru

Oh, nice. Ddt. Now we just watch that. And Stevie is the best. Throw him out there. I don't care. I'll. I'll die on the hill. Man.


He's gotta be. You could argue he's the most well rounded guy in ecw.

Mike Pru

He is.

Rick B

He definitely is.

Mike Pru

Steve Rich is the most underrated wrestler in ECW history. Down on the hill. Dude still wrestles. Still a badass. I saw him when I went down to Louisiana to meet with the Book of Territory guys.


Oh, he wrestled it all with all that?

Mike Pru

Yep. And he was awesome. He's still in great shape. Awesome.

Rick B

Guy with a Patriots jacket on.

Mike Pru

Where I missed it. Where was it?

Rick B

Behind the Sandman. So he's, you know, on the opposite side of the right hand side. Yeah, he's. He probably is like right behind the Sandman. But you can't really see it because of the angle. But he's, he's very visible. He's wearing a. Yep, he's right there. You can't really see. Yeah, it's like a dark, the dark blue.


I had that one, the kids version.

Rick B

Yeah, it has the. The word mark across the chest. Yep.

Mike Pru

My time is all up, I guess.


Of course Mike doesn't already play.

Mike Pru

I play. Yeah, good one, jv. I like it. Yeah, those make sense because I'm off timing. All right, fine. Oh, all right. So can you tell me what time?

Rick B

306. 307. 308. 309. I'm at 312.


I'm like dead on with work again.

Rick B

13, 14.

Mike Pru

All right, I'm five seconds then.

Rick B


Mike Pru

What do you mean, Jesus?

Rick B

Well, first you were like 20 seconds behind, now you're five seconds ahead.

Mike Pru

Yeah, that wasn't a different episode.

Rick B

Okay, right.

Mike Pru

Sorry. Hey, look at this guy.

Rick B

He's in Boston.

Mike Pru

Same man, looked like he was like. I'm about be a quarterback for the next show here.


Now, Ms. Fullington, man, I've got to ask you, I don't.

Mike Pru

Mean to get personal, but Joe's afraid to talk to Ms. F. Raven.


You're alone again.

Mike Pru

Oh, scratching herself like she's Philly Kidman Feening. Yeah.


Ms. Fullington. Lauren, maybe this needs to be made simple.

Mike Pru

Raven left, just took off because he sucks. Raven never lost a title.


The Sandman is once again the world heavyweight champion. Raven is gone. I mean it's over.

Mike Pru

Every time. Every time. The Sandman and gets closer to achieving his own personal nirvana, I'm going to take it away, away, away from him.


Let's try it another. Now that Raven has taken.

Mike Pru

What the. Was that you and your 7 year.


Old son Tyler are On your own again. You're alone. I mean, will Stevie Richards be your new project?

Mike Pru

No, I'm afraid to say what I want because you guys. Ah, you at the wrong time.

Rick B

No, go ahead, say it. Pr. Go ahead.

Mike Pru

It sucks. Look at this.

Rick B

No, it does. This is an awful segment.

Mike Pru

That's horrible. Like Gollum.

Rick B

My precious.

Mike Pru

My precious lost.

Rick B

She doesn't. She doesn't play a convincing junkie slash psychopath.

Mike Pru

Joey's not very sympathetic at all.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Memes is. Raven has left his life behind. He's gone away. He's gone over.

Rick B

This is like a bad horror movie.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it's like Shutter Island. Oh, yeah, yeah.


That is whatever. I was trying to think of a movie that's a good one.

Mike Pru

He's taking Tyler with him. And I'll take advantage of that if I could. Hey, you. I'll go back to Precious and wcw. I keep it se. How sh. That a serpent. Okay, never mind.


That Raven shirt is cool.

Mike Pru

It is badass. Called the Raven. Never more Raven. Like the last fashion.


Meeting. This Friday night. Rage in the cage.

Mike Pru

The Sandman will defend kids inside the.


Confines of the steel cage.

Mike Pru

Lul Temple. Hey, Rick, that's your favorite place, man. Lulu Temple.

Rick B

The Lulu. Yeah. I mean, I've never been there, but I like the name.


It is a cool name.

Mike Pru



It's like the best name. Sounds like the Kowloon in Boston.

Rick B



Yep. Closing down in a couple years.

Rick B

Apparently they're closing soon.


Yeah, 20, 25.

Mike Pru

Hey, we gotta figure out a time to go out, by the way. Yeah, throw it out there.


I'm like second, third week of December.

Mike Pru

Third week of the summer. Yeah, sometime in December.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah, that works.

Mike Pru

I will talk about it.


The Boston media.

Rick B

Yeah. I don't think the Boston Globe or the Boston Herald was no gives a.


Sand that has left the country. And he's just walked off from the press conference.

Mike Pru

He didn't walk off. He. He was walked off. He was walked off. He didn't walk off. He got walked off.

Rick B

He was escorted off by Todd the.


Sandman hasn't done one interview. He's avoided the media completely and just concentrated on wrestling. And I mean, three time ECW World Heavy Champion should be the greatest moment.

Mike Pru

In the career and maybe even it should be. But he sucks.


I mean, Raven's not even here. He's not even in this country.

Mike Pru

And Raven sucks too.


Meanwhile, while Raven's other arch is Tommy.

Mike Pru



What was a near tragedy once again at the hands of prime time. Brian Lee being prime time. Slam.

Mike Pru

Oh my God. Look at that.

Rick B

It's even worse seeing it in slow motion.


Yeah, it is.

Rick B

You see the tables just fall on top of them.


October 26th.

Mike Pru

It's even worse than prime time. Brian Lee, the man you suck under.

Rick B




Mike Pru

You saw gas. Who's that in my window?


Uncensored. Get results from the last ECW arena show. Play wrestling trivia for a chance to win a free prize. It works for all. Touch, tone and rotary dial phones.

Mike Pru

You must be rotary telephones.


1900994 ECW. Hello, Philadelphia, this is Joey Styles letting.

Mike Pru

You know that ECW1 2 sucks.


Saturn of the eliminators goes one on one with everyone's favorite underdog, Mikey Whitreck. Pitbull number two collides with the bulldozer. Prime time. Brian Lee. Shane Douglas, the most hated man in pro sports along with Francis.

Mike Pru

All right, so speaking of Shane Douglas, Rick, I don't know if you know Shane Douglas has a new podcast and he's done that numerous times, but are you aware was new podcast?

Rick B

Yeah, I was aware that it's like. Yeah. His third or fourth podcast.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Have you given the listen.

Rick B



Rebrand existing broadcast or just stop from scratch each time.

Mike Pru

That's. I mean, basically it's just like you get the new host and they ask him the same that's always asked.

Rick B



Just recycling material.

Mike Pru

Yeah. But he's so honest. I. I love it. Like, he's so cool about what his character was as well. Like, he totally admits, like, Jane Douglas is not Troy Martin, who he is.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And I love that. It's like that was a character that I created and Yeah, I sometimes I grimace and I hate that character from for what I said. That's what I had to do to get over. Who knows if that's totally the truth and what he's saying, but I like it.


I respect it though. Yeah. Like, yeah, you got some wrestlers that don't know the difference.

Mike Pru

Right. And he always sticks by. He is a teacher. Like, that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be a teacher, but he went into wrestling because he loved that as well. There's great stories of him. I'm glad he's back with another podcast. He's pulling some out.

Rick B

I'll have to give it a listen.

Mike Pru

He got over by the Click too.

Rick B


Mike Pru

And that's. That's well documented, I think.


But that sucks though. Just be held back, held on the water, basically.

Rick B


Mike Pru

He said his worst time in wrestling ever was in WWF for those like five, six months when he came in as like he could have been a star and he got that gimmick and he has to just be a jerk off because other people didn't like that there. He was a good wrestler. Anyway, we got Bill Alfonso. Don't know what he does here in the ring. Taz is a badass here in the corner. Yep.

Rick B

It just stands there looking ominous.

Mike Pru

Fonzie swallows, apparently.

Rick B

Apparently, huh?

Mike Pru

I don't know what he swallows, but.

Rick B

Some people wish he swallowed that whistle.

Mike Pru

That's a good one. Here we go. We got the human Suplex machine. We got Taz, we got JV in the ring right here.


I aspire to be like Taz. My new role model.

Mike Pru

Tez is a man that was my favorite wrestler.


Like his son went to NXT already or he's going to nxt. I thought I read Hook was leaving for nxt.

Rick B

Yeah, I didn't. I didn't hear. I mean I know he was in. Aw.

Mike Pru

Well, Taz is going to up Johnny Smith, right?

Rick B

Pretty much.

Mike Pru

Donnie Smith, the out of here. No, don't get me wrong. I love Bill Alfonso, but shut the off of the whistle. What do you think you coach John Tolos 91. Get out of here with a whistle, man. Shut up. Look at that takedown.

Rick B

Oh, that was slick.

Mike Pru

That was great. What a transition that Taz made over these years. Like out of any. I don't know guys, think out of any character who made a better transition from something to what they became other than Taz.


Taz announcer.

Mike Pru

No, it's just like something that was not like eh, then Holy shit, man.


Gimmick. When he was more like a right.

Mike Pru

Like Taz was the wild man. Now is this. Is there anybody else that you can think of that was big, I think J.T.


Smith. Oh, I guess I'm not sure what you mean by big. Like since.

Mike Pru

Yeah, whatever you think. Yeah, whatever you think. In ecw, I think better.


But Taz is definitely. He's his glow up, as they say, is better.

Rick B

I mean I. You could argue that the Sandman.

Mike Pru

Yes, I knew. I knew you're gonna say Sandman.

Rick B

Yeah, you know, got not. I say better, but I mean at least he was more authentic instead of being a beach bumper.

Mike Pru



And he's had success.

Rick B

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

Yeah, yeah. But somebody like Sandman, he was a champ already as that shitty gimmick.

Rick B

That is true.

Mike Pru

And then became champ again. Like Taz was just who the this a wild man. Right. Teaming up with Snooker. I'll team it up with Kevin Selling. Right. And now he's this guy that's different. Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. I was like, is there anybody that pops out like that? Tommy Dreamer, maybe?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Or is that more like Sandman?

Rick B

Well, yeah. Well, I mean, I guess you could say, because Dreamer did win the. The tag titles when he was the Chippendales guy, you know?

Mike Pru


Rick B

With Johnny Gunn. South Sincere.

Mike Pru

Yes, John. And we've been through so many wrestlers over these years. Now we're watching Taz, Johnny Smith, and we're at the pyro. We're not even, like, caring about fucking Taz up this dude.


Yeah. This holds no weight.

Mike Pru

Like, Taz, I want you to up Sabo. When's it coming? When's it coming, man? And with that said, JB called. Prozac is about to take on Zabu soon. You're gonna watch that with us, right?


Which who?

Mike Pru

Taz and Zabu.



Rick B

December 2, April 13, 1997 at the ECW Arena.


Oh, I'll be back by then for.

Mike Pru

Barely Legal Pay per view.


I'll definitely be back by then. We're in October.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I know. Just watch the pay per views with us, please. Ah, hook him.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Look at that.

Rick B

Oh, freestyle.

Mike Pru

He's done. Where's the reference?

Rick B

What do you mean, where's the ref?

Mike Pru

Oh, Jamal's right there. Where? Oh, now he's there. Yeah, yeah, now he's there.


He was checking the submission panne critique of referees.

Mike Pru

Yeah, that's what I'd like to do.

Rick B

Classic Prue. Just, you know, pick on the reference.



Rick B

I mean, while Alfonso's kicking the table outside.

Mike Pru

What do you want me to say? That's my gimmick.


Yeah, it's my gimmick.

Mike Pru

You want to be that police officer out there? I'll be that guy. Okay. Hey, the. You got Billy out there.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Hey, Billy. Hey. Bill Alfonso is one of the most underrated dudes ever.


I love Billy. Bill Alfonso is the man.

Mike Pru

But what he did in WWF WCW here, underrated man.

Rick B

Have you guys ever heard the story of him and Giant Gonzalez in wwf?


Giant Gonzalez?

Mike Pru

What, did grab his dick or something?

Rick B

No. No. Okay, so he was like. He was like Giant Gonzalez's traveling companion. Yeah, his hand.

Mike Pru

He's the tim. Wife for Andre.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And one night they were at some hotel, and Fonzie's in his room, and he gets a call from. From Gonzalez. Hey, can you come to my room? Fonzie goes, okay. And he goes down, knocks on the door. Gonzalez opens the door, butt, ass naked. And There's a. There's a woman on the bed behind him. And he basically says to Fonzie, I'm too big to fit her. Fit in her. Can you warm her up?

Mike Pru

Oh, yeah.

Rick B

And so Fonzie goes, okay, Daddy goes in proceeds to have the time of his life with this girl. After checking, he did check to make sure it was cool with her. And then the Giant Gonzalez, you know, went to town. Fonzie had had to be the. The warm up man, you know.


Not bad.

Rick B



No sloppy seconds for Billy.

Mike Pru

That's a good job, huh? Yeah.

Rick B

Pin me, pay me.

Mike Pru

Med. Oh, my God. Giant Gonzalez banging somebody. What the.

Rick B

Just Andre the Giant banging somebody.


It's never the same. Imagine if they just. They were just like regular. How weird that would look. Just go regular size. Average old dicks. That'd be funny.

Rick B

7 foot 24 inch penis.


Yeah, it's like a baby's thumb.

Mike Pru



Like that height. It's got to be like 4ft that tall to look like proportion, right?

Mike Pru

Negative 6ft tall. 3 inch penis. The opposite.



Rick B

Well then. Well then you.


I've seen some. I've seen like a dwarf porn time. Little dude was hung like a.

Rick B

That's what I was just gonna say. It was the. There's the story of. I think it's Cowboy Lang, who's a famous wrestler. And according to legend, that dude was a tripod.


Dick. Dick. Looking like kickstand.

Rick B

Yeah, he had a kickstand and he was very proud of it. You know, walking around naked in the.

Mike Pru

Locker room, it's like Austin Powers me.

Rick B

Yeah. He takes his hands out. He's.

Mike Pru


Rick B


Mike Pru

Taz just this dude up already. Come on.

Rick B

There we go. That's over.

Mike Pru

We're talking about penises. Talking about midges. Kill this dude already. Johnny Smith. You already kicked his ass last week. The we doing rematch with this Taz. You gotta up sabo. Or what? You're gonna up these fake British wrestlers?

Rick B

What's sad is we still have.

Mike Pru

Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong with these things.

Rick B

No, you're not. You're not wrong. The. The thing is, like I said, we're still six months away from them fighting.

Mike Pru

It's coming though.

Rick B

It is.

Mike Pru

Hey, Kiss. At least we got kiss, right?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Yeah. Oh, guys, I want parents. It's the best thing all night was kissing. Now you want to shut it off.


Take it away from us.

Mike Pru

That sucked. Test. You should have shut up and let your music play.

Rick B

Who wants to fight? Draw the battle lines.

Mike Pru

All right. Shut up. Fonzie.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, it's all the way live temple.


The Lulu Tempo. Welcome to the Lulu Tempo.

Mike Pru

I love that little T bottle. Welcome.


You want egg?

Rick B

Well, speaking of the kow.


You won't beef chow me.

Rick B

You want carbon?


You want.

Rick B

Yeah, you do it so much better than I do.



Mike Pru

We can watch it, I guess. Oh, we can't get into the mall this early.


Loitering. Loitering. Freaking rules.

Mike Pru

Think you tough. Think you back.


Come out here behind this Bradley's invader. Can you join it?

Mike Pru

We go to came.


Yeah, I think so.

Mike Pru


Rick B

I'm gonna fight you outside. Ames.

Mike Pru

Ames. Yeah, Ames outside man.


Different out here, boy.

Rick B

You me back door of Calor.

Mike Pru

Calor. That's right. Who are the crit deals you go to Calors?

Rick B

After my shift to Child World. I'm totally kicking your ass, dude.


Child World?

Rick B

Yeah, actually, I don't know. I don't know. They might have had child worlds around the country. I'm not sure.

Mike Pru

Oh, they didn't even go to. That's what I was waiting for.

Rick B

It's nice and crisp video though.

Mike Pru

That is nice and clean. Saturn looks clean as.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Hey, even cars looks pretty good. Like crap. Ola.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Big daddy's false Big daddy. Man, I just wanted to vibe with that music.

Rick B

One of them's wearing sneakers and the other one's wearing like nice shoes.

Mike Pru

Yeah. A slow daddy smoke. Whatever the he's called. You know what I mean? That's.

Rick B

No, that is awesome. That's like. That's like your gimmick. You just gotta give them a made up name.

Mike Pru

That's what he was like, ah, I'm wearing these shoes or whatever.

Rick B

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whereas a out of here, whatever the other guy's name is. He's wearing like Reeboks. Yeah.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah. LA Knight. Yes.

Mike Pru

Hey, I love my LA night.

Rick B

British Night. That's what I was thinking of.

Mike Pru

Yeah. My British Knights.

Rick B



Like nine.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I was a cheapo one too when I was nine. No, I wasn't cheap. My mom was cheap. That's fine. But I had the LA nights that were. The pumps.

Rick B


Mike Pru

What were they called? Jv, you know.


No, I don't remember.

Mike Pru

You remember the pumps?


The LA Knight pumps. No.

Mike Pru

Don'T even.


I've seen them, but I don't remember what they were called. So like I know they existed. You know what I mean?

Mike Pru

Really? I thought you'd be on there. Yeah. No, let's see. Oh yeah.

Rick B

British Night sneakers.

Mike Pru

Sorry, sorry.


I know those.

Mike Pru

Yeah, they're Colleagues regulators.

Rick B

Yeah, that sounds right.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah. British knight regulators or the LA gear.

Mike Pru

LA gear.

Rick B

LA gear regulators. Yeah.

Mike Pru



Those are the ones with the pumps.

Mike Pru


Rick B




Mike Pru

Two. Both. Gotta keep a zipper in. Good.


Keep written.

Mike Pru

JB doesn't know about the la. Yeah. Hey, when I was growing up, JB was like the rich kid kind of. But he wasn't. I know, I know. That's my perspective, though.


I just had, like, two working parents, which was different.

Mike Pru

Yeah. And I had one working parent. Yeah.


Most of our friends.

Mike Pru

I was like, wow, JB has a whole family. Yeah.


I have two incomes.

Mike Pru

You have a mom and a dad.

Rick B

Oh, blowy.

Mike Pru

What the is going on here? Yeah.


What the hell just happened? The meth kicked in.

Mike Pru

The rap music game is off the hook on the ship, by the way.


Like, so make ccw. Is the music the music?

Mike Pru

Always. All right, so timestamp. Can I get a time stamp here?

Rick B

33. 30, 31.

Mike Pru

Got it. I'm on time. Yeah.



Mike Pru

Oh, my boy. Boom. Break this guy's neck. Boom. Right on the bel.

Rick B

It's a lot of.

Mike Pru

Oh, my God.


Coming. It's a wrestling buck.

Mike Pru

I'm coming.

Rick B

Look at those things bounce.

Mike Pru



Oh, God. That stands test of time.

Mike Pru

Oh, my. And we know this is one of our favorite songs ever. Perfect Changes.

Rick B

I don't want to be a stranger to those things. They are perfect.

Mike Pru

Rick likey.

Rick B

Yeah. What can I say?

Mike Pru

Hey, how about Joel Gertner here? This is new to JV because you missed an episode. Look at this guy.

Rick B

He just said masturbatory fantasies.

Mike Pru


Rick B

I swear to God. He just said masturbatory fantasies.

Mike Pru

I bet he didn't.

Rick B

You can get away with every a lot more at 1 o'clock in the morning, you know.



Mike Pru

Yeah. Oh, what's this? I'm vibing with this.

Rick B

Yeah, it's a good song.


Just slaps.

Mike Pru

Oh. What the. Is this a fake song?

Rick B

Well, if. If it's not, this should be our outro.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Let's figure it out.


Find it.

Rick B

I can't understand the words.

Mike Pru

I don't need the words. That's that beat.


Just need the beat. The piano taps.

Mike Pru

Louie and Mikey. Louie and Mikey are teaming up. I want to see that match. All right, so we got big show, kind of High Incident. Oh, there. They just mentioned it right there. High Incident. I never heard that song, but I like it. Oh, yes. One of my favorite matches ever. Right here. Douglas and Pitbull. Number two, Anthony Durant. Jv, we wanted you here for this match.


All right, I'm watching. He's gonna wrestle with the belts on the whole time.

Rick B

No. All right.

Mike Pru

So I actually, I just learned something new about Shane Douglas that I didn't realize and. Okay, Rick, I don't know if you know about it. Maybe you do. So I'll just phrase the question to you. Why does Shane Douglas have tassels on his boots?

Rick B

I do not know. Why does Shane Douglas tassels on his boots?

Mike Pru

He. He ended up wearing tassels on his boots because he was not confident in his knees and his. His lower. His legs.


To take the attention off it that his legs were small. Right.

Mike Pru

He. Right. He said, I. I work my legs all the time and I can't do anything. No matter what it is, I can't get any progress on my leg.


So it's a legit struggle.

Mike Pru

I'm gonna wear. I'm gonna wear the tassels to just distract from it.

Rick B

That makes sense.

Mike Pru



That's a legit struggle.

Mike Pru

Instead. I didn't quit doing it.


It's just harder for him.

Mike Pru

Doesn't do anything.

Rick B

Yeah. He can't get any gains.


No gains.

Mike Pru

He's like. Yeah, No, I mean, Rick Flynn did the same thing. He wore his knee pads on his. On his.


Oh, break his neck.

Rick B

His calves.

Mike Pru

On his calves. Right.


This guy with the broken neck.

Mike Pru

Very wolves. What do you say? Gary Wolf for.

Rick B

They just showed Gary Wolf.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Instead frame with his halo.


It's like a. What were they called?

Rick B

Seites Cebite.



Rick B

Yep. I feel like that it's a. I mean, it's a known movie, but I feel like a lot of people overlook it.

Mike Pru

Which one? Right here.



Mike Pru

Oh, yeah.


It's like Pandora's box.

Mike Pru

Yes. Yeah. That's the whole team of El Reza.



Rick B



Oh, thanks. Do not want that monster doing that.

Mike Pru

Yeah, that's.


And Pitfall 2 targeting the neck of the franchise. Shane Douglas.


Oh, he took that hard on this. His pectoral there.

Mike Pru

Starting first. I'm going right after I care. Oh, stomping on him. Hurry up. I had to notice the pit bull one out there. Bandana in the halo. Hey, Halo. Halo. Hey. Hey.


Really? You didn't think you could twist that far can break them, do you know that? Oh, old school neck hang.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Hey, no, what's great about this match? You know, for those of us that know what's coming in, Shane has taken the beating this whole match.

Rick B

Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

So the way that it's going to end. That's fine.

Rick B

That was a nice pile Driver.

Mike Pru

That was a good one. Nice spot there, Joey. Throwing some shade to G. Yep. This is great. Oh, thank you. I would, I would. I like the titties, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather see that full moving. I'd rather see that full.

Rick B

Yeah, the blade vertical suplex.

Mike Pru

Yes, the full vertical suplex drop like instead of cutting away to Francine, then.

Rick B

You can show the titties again.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Do it later. We are only men Like, I'd like.

Rick B

To do her later.

Mike Pru

All night long all night People on the street if we haven't played that song, I would request it again.

Rick B

All night long.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Lionel Richie.

Mike Pru

We have played it. That's one of the songs that's just gets me going.


Front of Gary.

Mike Pru

That is a cultural song. That song brings people together on that loss. A. Douglas, you, you're working like a chump here against this guy.

Rick B

He's just a punching bag.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Football two is getting way too much work and all right, there we go. That's something. Swinging neck break. Man, he's selling too much.

Rick B

I mean, to his credit, he has taken an ass kick in this whole match. So he's, he's selling at least you know, he's not just popping.

Mike Pru

No, I know. He's selling so much. So.

Rick B

Right. I get, I get what you're saying though.


The title for the franchise, Shane Douglas, it would be doubly as sweet because that's what would hurt the franchise the most. He lives and dies for a goal for his all encompassing ego. And that ego.

Mike Pru

It's fine that he's selling, but Joey's not really putting him over at all in this match.

Rick B

No, it's not.


I don't think that's one of his strengths on commentary though, is it?

Rick B

Yeah, I, I, he's, he's more the storyteller.

Mike Pru

Yeah, he's a storyteller, but he, sometimes he does miss on getting people over.

Rick B

Yeah, it's more the storytelling and the snarky comments.

Mike Pru

Right. I think it's his story tells more reactionary rather than.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Actually telling the story of who's should win or who's gonna win, which is not a bad thing. But I say right there. Oh, he drops a little ball.


He's definitely shocked.

Mike Pru

That's big. Yeah, that's shocking.


Spaghetti hair. Noodle got noodle hairs.

Mike Pru

Noodle here got 88 jersey in the middle. Is that Michael Irvin?

Rick B

Is that, is that a Cowboys jersey or.

Mike Pru

Looks like a Cowboys jersey. 88. It was 88 JV for who? Cowboys.


Was Michael Irvin, I think Michael Irvin, Right.

Mike Pru

I thought, oh, we got a 32. Eagles jersey.

Rick B

Eagles jersey, yeah.


Ricky Waters. Oh, I had that jersey.

Mike Pru

You had that one?



Rick B

In this time period, like 96.



Rick B



Had it. Middle school had a Ricky Waters. I remember I got a Ricky Waters jersey. Mark Brunel and I think Kerry Collins, I think. All for the same Christmas. Or not for Christmas, but like over the year.

Rick B


Mike Pru

My favorite jersey was Barry Sanders that I had.


Yeah, it's classic. Classic.

Rick B

Right. A bright spot on an otherwise dull Detroit Lions roster. Who is. Who is their quarterback at that point?

Mike Pru


Rick B

The lions.


Oh, God, six.

Rick B




Mike Pru

No, no, like 2002.

Rick B



Oh, I don't know.

Rick B

It was a. Wasn't a quarterback, right? Who, Chris?


No, he was. I think he played defense.

Rick B

Okay. Because I. I think he was on the lines in the mid-90s too, I believe.


Yeah, he was. Yeah.

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah, he was. He was.


They had what's name. Herman Moore, too.

Rick B

Oh, yeah.


And he's good. He was good. They had no. I can't think of.

Rick B



They think of football, video games.

Rick B

Yeah. Remember Rodney Pete and the Lions at. Rodney Pete?


Yeah. That's who drafted him. No, Rodney Pete was like big coming out of college. And then who'd they have after that? Joey Harrington was later. Harrington. Yeah. Who the was in the middle?

Mike Pru

They had like, Kent Graham.


Oh, it was Scott Mitchell. That's right.

Mike Pru

Yes. I'm at Joe. Yes. Scott Mitchell.


And it was Charlie Batch.

Mike Pru

Charlie. Ah, Charlie bat. Charlie Batch was on the rate. I mean, Steelers.


Yeah. And with Rodney Pete, Scott Mitchell, then Charlie Batch for a few years, then Joey Harrington, John Kitna, Dan or Veloski. Then Matt Stafford and now Jared Goff.

Mike Pru

That sucked. P. Number two, Douglas, wants to finish off both pitfalls. There's the full. Oh, this is a big spot here coming up.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Shane's like this. I'm this dude up. Hey. And I agree with him. You things been busting his ass not getting any championship matches. He's dealing with tag team guys.

Rick B

Here we go. True.

Mike Pru

Yeah, here we go. Hey, football knows better he get the off the apron. All right, jb, give us. Give us your raw thought on this, please, while you're watching on this. We're just gonna. We're gonna lay out. You tell us what's going on.


I think it's entertaining. I mean, this cripple's about to get in the ring with his hands in his pocket.

Mike Pru

All right, watch it.


That was dumb. Hits him with his durag, I think. Oh, geez, oh, wait, he's still really hurt, right?

Mike Pru


Rick B

Yeah, that's a real halo brace still drilled directly into his skull.

Mike Pru

Oh, man.


Dude, that's the.

Mike Pru

The crowd is pissed there, people.

Rick B

Dude, jv, this is what we were talking about. The crowd is.

Mike Pru

That's why we wanted your reaction on this. Like, this is crazy. This is huge.

Rick B

Watch the crowd as they try to get Francine and Shane out. People are spitting on them. They're throwing stuff at them. They're jumping the barricades.

Mike Pru

Shane's running out of there. They want to kill Shane.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Shane's got heat, man, because they love Pitbull number one.


How do you rehearse that, too? Not up his.

Rick B

Very carefully.



Mike Pru

They thought Shane was the biggest heel ever.


That's a very heel thing to do, dude.

Mike Pru



It's not like that's a staged injury, like. Like Rick just said those. That's in his skull.

Rick B

Yep. And you can tell it's real because look, you got Devin Storm and Hack Myers and Mikey all hanging out.

Mike Pru


Rick B

You know, loose P's right there.

Mike Pru

Joe G. Like, shut the. Like, shut the up.

Rick B

Yeah. Look at this crowd, man.

Mike Pru

It's awesome. This is Ultimate Jeopardy 96, right?

Rick B


Mike Pru

Oh, we're going live. Fan cam here.

Rick B

Yep. No, no, Shane was not in the back seat. Shane was in the trunk, I believe, at that point. And now Paulie's kicking his ass.

Mike Pru

What the. What a Joe.

Rick B


Mike Pru

No, it's a great show. Not a show. It's a great show.

Rick B

Peewee's about to take a swing at him.

Mike Pru

This is wrestling right here. Yeah. You have it in the ring, and then you take it out of the ring. So good.

Rick B

So good.


Little recap here now.

Mike Pru

I think it just replayed in the next episode.

Rick B

Yeah. No, let me let you guys in on a little secret. All right? So Gary's neck was totally healed at that point.

Mike Pru

Yes. I knew that.

Rick B

Okay. That was still a real halo brace that was screwed into his skull. That was not a lie. However, his. His neck was healed by that point, and he had told. I think it was Paulie, that, hey, I'm gonna. I'm getting the halo brace off. And Paulie was like, can you wait a week? You know, can you keep it on for another week? Because I got this idea, and that was his idea, was to have Shane grab him by the halo and throw him down. And obviously, as you can see, it, it worked pretty well because Shane almost got murdered by the crowd.

Mike Pru

That was brilliant.

Rick B

Yeah, but it was still. I mean, that's that's legit.



Rick B

Yeah, yeah, that's like old school, you know, Southern town. You need the cops to escort you out because the crowd's about to stab you kind of heat.

Mike Pru


Rick B


Mike Pru

All right. So, man, no, great. That was a fun episode, if you.


Wanted my honest opinion on that. I thought it was really good. I think it was great booking at the end. It kind of repositions Shane as a. As like the top heel now, right? I guess.

Mike Pru

Yeah, exactly.


Yeah, I would say that's. They certainly succeeded in accomplishing that.

Mike Pru

Perfect. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. And Shane Douglas just. Just keeps getting better from that point. And. And then you got Taz. Yeah, we're goofing on Taz. Like all these. Johnny. Johnny, whatever the. His name is still wrestling him. But we're building up the Taz and Sabu still. And just so much good stuff going on.

Rick B

We're building towards a pay per view.

Mike Pru

Yeah, the first pay per view ever of VCW is coming, man. So shit's getting great and it's fun. It's fun to talk about this. And guys, I enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. I was all over the place at some point. The.

Rick B

We talked about a lot of random in that first episode.


Yeah, we did.

Rick B


Mike Pru

That first episode. All over the place. Fun as.

Rick B


Mike Pru

Anyway, thank you for joining us and listening and with that said, let's kind of wrap things up now. I want to wrap things up, but we don't have anything to say. Do we have anything to say?


So you can just wrap it up because it's 12:30 in the morning.

Mike Pru

Okay, well, you get what I'm saying though.


You get what I'm saying?

Mike Pru

I know what you're saying. I just want to double check. Okay. All right, so please check us out. We'll be back in a couple weeks with the next episode of ecw, the extreme set of live cast. It will be covering easily hardcore TV episodes 183 and 184 from October 22 and October 29 of 1996. Please also check out JV and I on the Bottom Line wrestling cast. And we have just recently covered Stone Cold Steve Austin back when he was stunning Steve Austin on episode 16, Sonic Steve. And that was planned to change September through October of 1992. And he's making a change there. He's going from a singles wrestler. He's about to be a tag team wrestler. Please check that out. And continuing episodes from there covering stunning Steve Austin and the Hollywood Blonde on the Bottom Line Wrestling cast Also please check us out on Twitter x whatever the it's called. Follow me Mike Pru, MPRU 83 Follow JV @ John Van Damage Follow Rick BB @ Leo Wyatt 85 Please check us out on Twitter x at Extreme Cast thank you for listening. Thank you for being part of this podcast and listen to all our thank you. We don't do this without you. So long!

Intro/Outro Songs

Yeah we coming through Ready to dance with the devil and the pill Move like yeah he's kind of mad cause we can't kind of type syndicate villain how we chill and bank a corner in the west side for a naked ticket fly trip to farook and let him steal a grab visit my hoes get sucked up I'm the man looking for this other me and my gang he want to get wicked he want to take it to dumping rounds Anytime I see you I beat the straight See ya so pass the lovely to the left hand side I just got a fact set the shack in my bride and now it's hitting me on my paycheck Two chickens got stuck someone's playing with my paper all of a sudden I have to send a homie the big homie the pistol whip pistol with the whole click because we didn't benefit gain knowing above the law got to keep the name maintained Staying away from them one times cause we pistol rippers and them ducky just be tripping banging in uniform plus the nords come through like the quiet storm all we have to do is stay low worry about the flow in the studio bumper hoban go and stay strapped at all time Put that on easy I'ma get by plus a gang of crime so now you know what we go through the evil the real man built me and I got everything to do with my life I give a fucking 4J killed didn't kill his right Cause I beat around a million motherfuckers a day Just ready to put your cat back for looking the wrong way I got the problem with myself if my mind playing tricks on me Am I getting fucked by the homies or is my lady fucking everybody in the hood? I hope not because the pussy good yo I rolled dude with my nina on my lap before the suckers on the sector on the cock block they get popped like the last player hater that's where I come robbed like the jaws on alligator now over let your homies and all your friends can try to put your buster ass back together again but if not I'm at your weight Ready to shake up some motion if that's idea the beef gotta get cause your beat? I was raised on the rough side H the who ride to either get rolled on I'm getting tired of motherfuckers playing Chef Royal D Storing me up and trying to put salt all on me? I give them 50ft with the infrared on the sex set free gal kill them, no regrets I once knew a named Sammy who had it going on in Miami Now Sammy got caught by the fans like a so he snitch on his own family now who that, who that, who that hold up in the Kool Aid who don't even know what the flavor look like? Yo, I beat the C O L D187A B O V E TKG Lau is the crew wicked like voodoo, yeah, with the evil that men do.

ECW HCTV 181 & 182: Oct 8 & 15, 1996

Original Release Date: Nov 17, 2023

This week Mike Pru, JV, & Rick Beebe will be covering ECW Hardcore TV 181 & 182 from October 8 & 15, 1996!

Matches & Promos will be from the October 5, 1996 ECW Arena show “Ultimate Jeopardy ‘96”

  • In Ring Promo - Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie as The Public Enemy
  • The Gangstas vs. Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie
  • Mikey Whipwreck vs. JT Smith
  • Ultimate Jeopardy Tag Team Match for the ECW Championship - Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs. Brian Lee & Stevie Richards
  • Interview w/ Lori Fullington
  • Ultimate Submission Match - Taz vs. Johnny Smith
  • In Ring Post Match Promo -  Taz
  • The Eliminators vs. The Samoan Gangster Party
  • ECW World Television Title Match - Shane Douglas vs. Pitbull #2
  • Post Match -  Shane Douglas shakes Pitbull #1’s Halo

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